carla rebelo
Lives and works in Lisbon
Carla Rebelo has a degree in Sculpture from the FBAUL (2000). Studied Textiles, Scenography, and Drawing. Received an Artistic Creation Grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2010/11. Participated in artistic residencies in Portugal and also in Russia (2013); Madrid (2012) and Berlin (2011) and Istanbul (2010), following the project Journey to the interior of the lived cities.
Has been exhibiting collectively since 1999. Her solo exhibitions include: Tangent Orbits, Sptut&Nic, Oporto (2022); Geology of a Place, Casa A. Molder Gallery, Lisbon (2022); Segundo o seu próprio tempo, Diferença Gallery, Lisbon (2020); Um momento que se repete continuamente, Águas Livres 8 Gallery, Lisbon (2018); Paisagens Privadas, Diferença Gallery, Lisbon (2018); Um Pentágono, um Círculo, oito Livros, São Lázaro Library, Lisbon (2017); Marca de Água, Money Museum, Lisbon (2017); Becoming Water, Marquês de Pombal Palace, Oeiras, Portugal (2016); O destino seguia-nos o rastro como um louco com uma navalha na mão, Nogueira da Silva Museum, Braga, Portugal (2015); Um movimento quase imperceptível que tem a ver com o voo, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon (2014).
The artist is represented in several public and private collections of which the following stand out: Collection of Artist Books from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Art Library; Center for Contemporary Art, Malaga; Luciano Benetton Imago Mundi Collection; Kronstadt History Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia; Polish Art Foundation, Melbourne, Australia; MG Collection; Figueiredo Ribeiro Collection; Portuguese State Contemporary Art Collection.
Memory, Time and Perception have been key words in the development of my work. My artistic language explores a metaphorical and poetic approach with relations to literature, history, mythology, travels and personal stories. I work with different materials and techniques, but the use of wood, the shadow, the mirror and the textile universe stand out. Space is a fundamental element in the creation of my pieces, many of them made specifically for the places where they are exhibited. I am interested in the morphology of the place, its details and particularities, its light, its small and large story.
“Carla Rebelo creates a totality from fragments, a time out of time that inhabits the materiality and beauty of her sculptures, drawings and books. There are lines that intersect and interweave, fabrics, leaves, tree bark...
The moment that her art summons is simultaneously an interior time, lived and eternalized, and an exterior time, delimited by history, which looks to the past and projects itself into the future. Without discontinuities, as in parallel mirrors in which the I-between-mirrors is multiplied into reflected images that dissolve into an endless perspective. This art is a science of continuity, everything is linked to everything. It is a slowly woven web, through which we rediscover the infinite complexity of the world, the timelessness of art.”
Manuel Valente Alves, 2018