carla rebelo
An almost imperceptible movement that has to do with flight
We are a family owned and operated business.
Carla Rebelo
An almost imperceptible movement that has to do with the flight is Carla Rebelo's first solo exhibition of Sculpture and Installation works in Lisbon and also this artist's first collaboration with Galeria Monumental.
The artist exhibits a set of unpublished works, some of which were purposely built for the Gallery's space, and also a piece from 2010 and two from 2013. Travel is the unifying concept of this exhibition. Understood as an effective journey with everything that is discovered and found there, but also as an inner journey in territories of memory and imagination.
Inserted in the project started in 2010 and called “Journey into the cities lived in”, in which the journey is the starting point to work on the memory based on the experience lived on site, a piece related to the city of Berlin and a video / sculpture and an installation connected to the city of Kronstadt in Saint Petersburg, Russia. These works follow research periods in these cities, the last of which was carried out in the context of an artistic residency through the National Center for Contemporary Art in St. Petersburg.
In addition to these pieces, the aforementioned concept appears associated with two characters that by themselves condense the idea of travel in the two directions worked on in the exhibition: Penélope and Ulisses from Homer's Odyssey. Two pieces associated by formal, material and spatial positioning in the Gallery refer to these two opposing and complementary forces. Ulysses personifies the traveling warrior, the one who discovers, who opens the way, travels in space and time, changes the places he goes through, makes history, makes memory. Penelope is the opposite force. It is the character who stays and imagines, who travels in his inner world, weaves to feed his desire and does it simultaneously with a creative and destructive force, by day he weaves and at night he cuts. Its journey is interior and its territory is what builds and deconstructs it.
Carla Rebelo
September 2014
We are a family owned and operated business.